Lesson Plan <br>

Stage 1 – Desired Results


ACOS standards (lesson goals):   Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties and trends (e.g., reactivity of metals; types of bonds formed, including ionic, covalent, and polar covalent; numbers of bonds formed; reactions with oxygen) of main group elements based on the patterns of valence electrons in atoms.

Understandings (Students will understand…):   The organization of the periodic table can be used to determine the chemical and physical properties of elements.



Essential Knowledge (Students will know…):

  • Elements are arranged on the periodic table based off of physical and chemical properties
  • The physical properties associated with each group on the periodic table
  • How to identify the number of valence electrons in each group
  • The reason for an elements atomic number




Essential Skills (Students will be able to…):   

  • There are no definable skills


Essential Question(s)

  • Would knowing the periodic tables organization help scientists to identify a new elements potential usefulness and hazard?


Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence


Assessment Evidence:

  • Formative assessments: The students will show the teacher their screenshots from the build an atom website and turn in a worksheet. The teacher will use these as an indicator to rather the student understands the material or if they need additional help. 
  • Summative assessments:  


Stage 3 – Learning Plan (Include approximate time for each activity in the learning plan)


Materials needed for the lesson:   

  • A device with internet access
  • Pen or pencil




Bell ringer:

  • Description of activity:Students will answer 3 questions written on the board.  After students are finished the class will discuss the questions as a whole.
    • Where are protons and neutrons located within an atom?Protons and neutrons are located within the nucleus of an atom
    • Where are electrons located within an atom?Electrons are located on the outer shell of the atom known as the electron cloud
    • How many atomic mass units does each subatomic particle weigh?Protons weigh 1 AMU.  Neutrons weight 1 AMU.  Electrons weigh 5.0x10-4
  • Approx. time required: 5-7 minutes


Review of relevant, previously learned information (should be an activity):  

  • Description of activity:Drawing activity
    • Students will be given 3 problems: ex.An atom has 3 protons, a charge of 0 and an atomic mass of 6
    • Students will draw the atoms placing the subatomic particles in the correct location and also label the subatomic particles
    • After all students have completed the activity the teacher will draw correct diagrams and answer any questions the students ask.
  • Approx. time required:10 minutes


Introductory Activity (should be an activity)

  • Description of activity: Watch video on the periodic tables creation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RRVV4Diomg
  • Approx. time required:10 minutes


Body of the lesson (thoroughly describe all aspects of the lesson):  

  • Short lecture on the organization of the periodic table (10 minutes)
    • Discuss what each number or symbol on each element represents
      • Explain that the atomic number is determined by the number of protons and if the number of protons changes then it is a different element\
      • Students will have a sheet with an element from the periodic table on it there will be blanks to fill in for the atomic number, symbol, and atomic mass.
    • Explain the number of valence electrons can be determined by the group (column) that the element is in
      • Students will have to take their own notes as this is discussed
    • Discuss the names of the groups and some similar properties each group shares (noble gases can’t bond and are very stable because of their full outer shell)
      • It will not be necessary for students to take notes on it is just to help them to understand that elements within the same group share similar properties
  • Build an atom activity (20 minutes)
    • Students will go to the build an atom website https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/build-an-atom/latest/build-an-atom_en.html
    • Students will be given a worksheet with either the elements symbol or atomic number (only atoms in groups 1-8) on it
    • On the worksheet there will also be a place to answer the name of the group the element is in and what state of matter the element exist in when not bonded
    • Students will use the website to build an atom of the element they are given
    • After they have the atom built the students will take a screenshot of each element they built and show the teacher when they turn in their worksheet
    • With 5 minutes left in class the teacher will ask follow up questions for the students to answer aloud
      • Was there a correlation between the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons?
      • How would a scientist know which group to put a new element in and where it should go in the periodic table?


Preview of the next lesson:   

  • Description of activity: Students will use their device to research and define Ionic, Covalent, and Polar covalent bonds
  • Approx. time required: 3 minutes


Related out of class assignment:  



Optional description of co-teaching strategy used in this lesson.  If co-teaching was part of this lesson, describe: co-teaching model used, how and why this particular strategy was employed, role (lead teacher/secondary teacher), and details of the implementation of the co-teac